DPS variation - premises licence

Premises licences that sell alcohol must have an individual named as the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS).
The DPS must have a personal licence to sell alcohol at a licenced premises..
If you are the licence holder and would like to change the DPS to another person you must apply for a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) Variation.
The person nominated as the new DPS on a Premises Licence must also complete a DPS consent form.
Who can be nominated as a DPS?
The DPS must:
- Be over 18 years
- Hold a personal licence
- Be entitled to work in the UK
- Be able to carry out work relating to the licensable activity
How much is a DPS variation premises licence?
It costs £23 to change the designated premises supervisor.
How to apply
To apply for a DPS variation:
1. Request to add new DPS
You as the licence holder must complete the following online form:
2. Get consent to add new DPS
The proposed DPS must grant consent by completing the following online form:
Give consent to be named as a new DPS
Please note: we cannot grant your DPS variation until we have received the consent form and the new proposed DPS.
What do I need to include?
You will need to include a copy of the original premises licence.*
* The original premises licence can either accompany the application or be sent separately to Preston City Council, Town Hall, Lancaster Road, Preston, PR1 2RL.
What happens next?
A copy of your application must also be sent to the police. We will do this on your behalf if the application is submitted electronically. If you have submitted a postal application, you will need to send a copy yourself. For contact details see responsible authorities.
Consultation period
There will be a consultation period of 14 days starting from the day after we received your application.
This time allows objections to be made from the police.
Please note: the application provides the opportunity for the change of DPS to have immediate effect. If the application seeks to take immediate effect, the new DPS can take on their role during the consultation period.
If there are no objections from the police, the variation will be granted the day after the end of the consultation period. You will receive your licence or certificate within 10 days.
Objection criteria
Objections must be based on the variation not promoting one or more of the following licensing objectives:
- prevention of crime and disorder
- public safety
- prevention of public nuisance
- protection of children from harm
If objections are received, a hearing will be held within 20 working days after end of the consultation period and you will be notified in writing.
If the application is granted the updated licence will be issued within 20 working days of the grant of the application.
Anyone at the hearing can appeal the decision.
Appeals must be made to a Magistrates court within 21 days of the decision being made.
Request to be removed as Designated Premises Supervisor
If you are currently named as DPS on a Premises Licence and wish to be removed, please visit GOV.UK - Request to be removed as designated premises supervisor from Preston City Council form.
Change the name or address of DPS
To change the name or address of the current DPS complete the following online form:
GOV.UK - change of name or address for a premises licence holder or a DPS
Please note: this form should only be used in circumstances where it is the same person or company but with a different name, for example name changed by marriage.
How much is it?
The cost to change the name or address of a DPS is £10.50.