
Alongside Lancashire County Council we regularly check gullies to prevent the build up of materials which may block the drainage systems and cause a flood.
However, during heavy rainfall materials can be carried into the drains causing them to become blocked very quickly. Also, low lying areas surrounded by fields may suffer from 'run off' from those adjacent fields or nearby rivers.
When fields become flooded or a river overflows, these effect lead to localised flooding event when drains are in perfect working order.
For more information see Lancashire County Council - Flooding in Lancashire
Who to contact for different types of flooding?
Mains burst in the street or road
United Utilities on 08456 020406
Public sewers
United Utilities on 08456 020406
Flooding from the public highway
Lancashire County Council - Contact Us
Flooding from a main river
GOV.UK - Environment Agency on 08708 506 506 and Floodline 0345 988 1188
Flooding from private sewers or drains
You will probably need a drainage contractor to deal with any blockage.
If you are unsure if any blockage is in the public or private sewers, the Water Company should be able to determine this, however, once on site they may recharge you for the cost of any work on private sewers. (Generally speaking, you are responsible for the pipework from the boundary of your property to the house itself).
Flooding from watercourses, other than main rivers
Responsibility of riparian owners. You are a riparian owner if your property, or land is on, or very near, a watercourse.
Riparian owners have a duty to keep the watercourse clear of any obstruction to flow and we can serve legal notices on riparian owners to deal with obstructions.
The council does not hold a stock of sandbags. We encourage residents or landlords to make their own arrangements with local building suppliers if they feel that sandbags would be of use.
Local flooding effecting households
Householders and residents who know that their homes are at a higher risk of flooding, due to it being historically subject to flooding or they live in close proximity to a watercourse, are asked to consider putting their own simple plans in place so that everyone in the household knows what to do if the area begins to flood.
The Environment Agency has lots of advice available at GOV.UK - Flooding and Extreme Weather. Leaflets which contain tips can also be obtained at libraries and other council buildings cross the county. Individuals may also wish to visit the local builders' merchant to see what is available to assist in home flood defences.
We are currently working with the GOV.UK - Environment Agency, United Utilities and Lancashire County Council to identify locations in Preston that are at most risk and we aim to do everything reasonably practicable to reduce those risks.
The Flood Hub
The Flood Hub is your one stop shop for flood advice and information. It has been developed to support communities at risk of flooding across the North West.
There are different pages for homeowners, businesses, communities, landowners, planners and developers providing information and advice on how they can plan and prepare for flood events and how to be more resilient.
In addition, there is also a local area map, containing information about flood schemes, community groups and events across the North West.
There is a 'Knowledge Hub' containing numerous downloadable resources and booklets to increase your knowledge and awareness about flooding.