Reply to a food hygiene rating

As a food business owner, you have the right to reply to a food hygiene rating given to your business.
What can you include in your reply?
Your reply should explain what actions have been taken to resolve any non-compliance that were detailed in your inspection letter or to explain any unusual circumstances at the time of the inspection.
What can't you include in your reply?
Your reply should not:
- Make a complaint
- Criticise the scheme
- Criticise the food safety officer
How long do I have to submit my reply?
There is no deadline. You can submit your 'right to reply' at any time up until your next inspection when you will get a new food hygiene rating.
How to reply?
To reply to a rating please complete the following online form:
Reply to a food hygiene rating
What happens next?
Your comments will be reviewed by the food safety officer and may be edited in order to remove offensive or defamatory remarks before being published with your food hygiene rating on Food Standards Agency - Food Hygiene Ratings.
Appeal a rating
If you feel your rating does not reflect the food hygiene standards and food safety management controls found at the time of the inspection, you have the right to appeal a food hygiene rating.
Request a re-inspection
If you have made the appropriate actions to resolve any non compliance you may want to .