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Telephone Issues

We are currently investigating a fault with our Telephone system which is affecting multiple services and contact numbers.

Building regulation inspections

House with clipboard

To ensure that your building works comply with the Building Regulations and other relevant legislation, a Registered Building Inspector will inspect your project as it progresses.

Once you have submitted your application and received approval from us you may commence works on site. The homeowner or the builder must notify the building control team when works start.

Book an inspection

Request a Building Control inspection

Notice of these stages can be given using the following methods:

Mandatory inspections

There are certain stages of work which require inspection. These are the following:

  • Commencement of work
  • Excavation of foundations before concreting
  • Foundations when constructed
  • Damp proof course when laid
  • Site concrete of floor slab (before being laid)
  • Drains (before backfilling)
  • Drains (after backfilling)
  • Internal structural alterations
  • Occupation (in respect of a new property)
  • Completion of project.

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