Council Constitution

The articles of the Constitution set out the basic principles that underlie the way the Council operates.
View the full constitution in separate parts
You can also download a copy of the Council's Full Constitution (PDF, 3 MB) here.
We also have an Easy Read document on the Council's Constitution (PDF, 199 KB) .
The other parts of the Constitution include:
- details of the Council and the committees to which the Council has delegated various powers and the functions that are the responsibility of the executive
- the terms of reference of the various committees and other bodies
- the Standing Orders that regulate the proceedings at meetings
- financial regulations
- the code of practice for the procurement of works, supplies and services
- Codes of Conduct for Members and employees
- the schedule for the payment of Member's Allowances
- and a description of the management structure of the Council's workforce.

Summary of the Constitution
A summary of the Council's Constitution.