North West Preston developments

As a result of the Preston, South Ribble and Lancashire City Deal approximately 3,500 homes are expected to be built in the North West Preston area.
Here you will find information in relation to the approved developments and construction matters.
Site construction issues
Any concerns regarding, for example, construction traffic or hours of construction, should in the first instance be referred to the site manager for the relevant site.
The site manager will be aware of the requirements of the planning permission and will be best placed to take immediate action to deal with any concerns. The contacts for the sites currently under construction are as follows:
- Name: Will Mills
- Email:
- Tel: 07881 013827
Taylor Wimpey
- Name: Darren Pritchard
- Email:
- Tel: 07818 528003
Morris Homes
- Name: Derek Harper
- Email:
- Tel: 07786 337185
Wain Homes
- Tel: 01925 859650
Bellway Homes
- Name: Paul Davis
- Tel: 0777 305 8670
Enforcement team
If contact with the site manager has not addressed your concerns, any alleged breaches of planning conditions can be reported to our Planning Enforcement team using our Planning Enforcement Report form.
Please use this form rather than contacting individual council officers as this will ensure that your concerns are directed to the correct team and can be dealt with promptly.
Noise issues
Our Environmental Health department can investigate matters relating to noise and dust.
If you have concerns regarding either of these issues, you can report them using our Environmental Health Report form.
Highways problems
Lancashire County Council, as the Highway Authority, is responsible for the maintenance of the highway network. If you need to report a highways problem, for example a pot hole or a fault with a road, please use Lancashire County Council - Report It forms.
Further information
Details of the planning applications, including the approved plans and the list of conditions, can be found using our online planning application search facility.
The North West Preston Masterplan is now a Supplementary Planning Document and was developed to make it simpler for developers to obtain planning permissions whilst also ensuring that high quality development is achieved.
Approved developments
The table below provides details of applications which have been approved in North West Preston.
You can also use our online map facility to search for planning applications in the area.
The reference numbers in the table below, will take you straight to the page on the website where all the relevant planning application documents are available, such as the plans, drawings and decision notices, for each application can be viewed.
Reference no. | Description | Date of decision |
DOC/2015/0049 | Discharge of conditions 9, 11, 12, 21, 22 and 23 attached to planning permission 06/2012/0094 (Mr Mullarkey, Connemara) | December 2015 |
06/2015/0530 | Erection of 350no dwellings, new vehicular access from Hoyles Lane and Sidgreaves Lane, open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure (Morris Homes/Commercial Estates Group) | December 2015 |
06/2015/0456 | Variation of conditions no.1, no.15, no.17 and addition of conditions no.27, no.28 no.29, no. 30 and no.31 attached to outline planning permission 06/2013/0428 to amend the delivery of the vehicular accesses into the site (to remove the emergency/bus only access restriction on Hoyles Lane) and variation of condition no.21 (Commercial Estates Group) | October 2015 |
06/2015/0610 | Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning permission 06/2013/0140 proposing the appearance, layout, scale and landscaping for the erection of 136no. dwellings (Maxy House Farm, Bellway) | October 2015 |
06/2014/0932 | Erection of 6no. two storey detached dwellings with garages and creation of new vehicular access to serve new dwellings and no. 154 Hoyles Lane (resubmission of planning application 06/2014/0685) (Wainhomes) | April 2015 |
06/2014/0856 | Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning application 06/2013/0019 proposing details of layout, scale, appearance and landscaping for the erection of 22no. dwellings (Hollins Strategic Land) | February 2015 |
06/2014/0353 | Reserved matters application to outline planning application (06/2014/0352) proposing the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping for the erection of 21no. dwellings (Phase 1A) (Redrow) | December 2014 |
06/2014/0598 | Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning permission 06/2013/0140 proposing the appearance, layout, scale and landscaping for the erection of 288no. dwellings (Wainhomes) | November 2014 |
06/2014/0352 | Variation of conditions nos. 15, 18, 20, 21 and 26 attached to outline planning permission 06/2012/0822 to enable the phased discharge of conditions (to accord with the phasing of development) and to enable the submission of an alternative foul drainage solution (Redrow) | September 2014 |
06/2013/0865 | Reserved Matters application pursuant to outline planning permissions 06/2011/0473 proposing the appearance layout, scale and landscaping for the erection of 205no dwellings (Phase 1) (Taylor Wimpey) | April 2014 |
06/2013/0195 | Outline planning application for the residential development (Class C3) of 5.40 hectares of land for up to 140no. dwellings seeking approval for access only from Eastway, with associated public open space and landscaping (Hollins Strategic Land) | March 2014 |
06/2013/0140 | Outline planning application for the residential development (Class C3) of 11:30 hectares of land for up to 350no. dwellings seeking approval for access only from Sandy Lane, with associated internal access roads, car parking, public open space and landscaping (Wainhomes) | January 2014 |
06/2013/0019 | Outline application (seeking approval for access only) for development of land (0.75 hectares) for residential development (Class C3) of up to 22no. dwellings and access from Eastway (Hollins Strategic Land) | December 2013 |
06/2012/0598 | Outline planning application seeking approval for access only via new access from Sidgreaves Lane and emergency/bus only access from Hoyles Lane; mixed use development on 19.45 hectares of land comprising erection of up to 350no. dwellings 1no. primary school, local centre accommodating a range of services falling within Classes A1, A2, A3, D1 and D2, open spaces areas including play space and allotments, internal access roads, pedestrian and cycle links and associated infrastructure and landscaping (Commercial Estates Group) | November 2013 |
06/2012/0094 | Outline application (access only) for the redevelopment of 4.50 hectares of land for residential development (Class C3) for up to 125 dwellings, public open space, landscaping, access from Lightfoot Green Lane, internal road layout, footpaths and other associated infrastructure (Mr Mullarky, Connemara) | August 2013 |
06/2012/0822 | Outline planning application for the residential development (Class C3) of 14.2 hectares of land for up to 330no. dwellings, new access junction from Lightfoot Lane, open space areas, landscaping, internal access road, pedestrian and cycle paths and other associated infrastructure (Redrow) | August 2013 |
06/2011/0473 | Erection of 450no. dwellings, 3no. shops, public parking to serve existing community facilities, children's play areas, open space provision, new vehicular accesses from Tabley Lane, Sandy Lane and Hoyles Lane, internal road layout, footpaths and cycling routes together with associated infrastructure and demolition of existing agricultural buildings (outline application (Taylor Wimpey) | July 2013 |