Anti-social behaviour

What is anti-social behaviour?
Anti-social behaviour is the common term used to describe incidents or actions that cause damage or affect the quality of life of people in a community.
It can be any behaviour which causes 'harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household' and can include:
- Nuisance neighbours
- Vandalism
- Graffiti
- Intimidation
- Drinking on the street
- Litter and fly-tipping
- Off road motorcycle nuisance
- Abandoned vehicles
How to report anti-social behaviour
Lancashire Constabulary is responsible for dealing with anti-social behaviour in public areas, rowdy and inconsiderate behaviour, underage drinking, dogs which are dangerously or out of control, vandalism, verbal abuse, hate incidents and vehicle nuisance.
Please telephone - 101 or contact your Lancashire Constabulary - Your Area.
Reporting noise nuisance
Our Environmental Health department are responsible for dealing with domestic noise nuisance, barking dogs, noise from pubs, clubs and car intruder alarms.
You can report noise nuisance by completing our online form.
Reporting street cleaning issues
Our neighbourhood services are responsible for cleaning the streets and public opens spaces of Preston.
Legal action can be taken against people responsible for dog fouling, fly-posting, fly-tipping, graffiti and street littering.
You can report a street cleaning offence or problem, through our street cleaning online form.
Reporting anti-social behaviour to your social landlord
If you live in a property which is rented from a registered social landlord and are suffering from anti-social behaviour then you should make contact with their Community Safety Team.
This in most cases will be Community Gateway Association (CGA) who believe that everyone has the right to enjoy peace, quiet and security in and around their home.
Any incidents of nuisance and anti-social behaviour will be taken very seriously and can be reported here at Community Gateway - Anti-social behaviour.
Safer Preston Partnership
Preston community safety partnership recognises that crime, fear of crime and anti-social behaviour are all concerns for local people and together the agencies are working hard to tackle them.
Community Trigger
Previous victims of anti-social behaviour are now able to request a review of their case using the community trigger.
Crime in your area
The Police provide information and advice, performance and an interactive map showing crimes committed in your area.