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Local land charges - official search fees

Map with location pin

Below are the fees for carrying out a local land charge - official search.

How to request a local land charge official search

Complete our local land charges - official enquiries form to make a request. 

Request a local land charges search

Please note we will charge VAT at the standard rate in respect of search fees on CON29R and CON290 requests.

Official search fees

Type of searchFee
Full search£116 (Inc. VAT)
Land only search£20
Set questions only£96 (Inc. VAT)

Part 2 question (CON29O) fees


4.  Road proposals by private bodies

5.  Advertisements

6.  Completion Notices

7.  Parks and countryside

8.  Pipelines

9.  Houses in multiple occupation

10. Noise Abatement

11. Urban development Areas

12. Enterprise Zones, Local Development Orders and BIDS 

13. Inner urban improvement areas

14. Simplified planning zones

15. Land maintenance notices

16. Mineral Consultation and Safeguarding Areas

17. Hazardous substance consents

18. Environmental and pollution notices

19. Food safety notices

20. Hedgerow notices

21. Flood Defence and land drainage consents

£12.00 per question (Inc. VAT)
22. Common Land and Town or Village Greens


£16.80 (Inc. VAT)

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