Draft Air Quality Action Plan Consultation

The council wish to consult on its proposed Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) in fulfilment of its obligations to meet its statutory duties required by the Local Air Quality Management framework.
What is the consultation about?
It outlines the action we will take to improve air quality in Preston between 2025 - 2030.
We have developed actions that can be considered under five broad topics:
- Policy guidance and development control;
- Promoting low emission transport;
- Public information;
- Transport planning and infrastructure; and
- Traffic management.
Our priorities are to encourage modal shift away from private vehicle use and towards active travel, public transport alternatives, with remaining vehicle trips to be via electric vehicles where possible; increase collaboration across Councils on policy development; and aim to reduce concentrations, especially PM10 and PM2.5, below legal limits.
In this AQAP we outline how we plan to effectively tackle air quality issues within our control.
View the Councils Draft Air Quality Action Plan
You can also download a copy of the Air Quality Action Plan. (PDF, 8 MB)
How do I take part in the consultation?
This consultation will run for 8-weeks and is open until Monday 28 April 2025, we would like to hear any comments you have on the action plan by completing our online survey.
Make comment on the Draft AQAP
What happens next?
All feedback will be considered before finalising the Action Plan.

Draft Air Quality Action Plan - Local Air Quality Management 2025