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Crisis support scheme

Group of three people

Lancashire County Council's (LCC's) - Crises Support Scheme provides support for the people of Lancashire. 

Help with essential household items

If you need help to set up home after being in care, or if you have had to move due to a disaster (such as a flood or fire), or due to violence or fear of violence, and you need furniture or domestic appliances we may be able to assist.

Only certain types of household items can be provided and there is a limit on the number of items that could be awarded. The number and types of furniture that may be awarded will depend on your living arrangements. The Crisis Support Scheme may be able to help with:

  • Fridge
  • Fridge/Freezer
  • Oven, mini-oven or microwave
  • Single bed
  • Double bed
  • Mattress
  • Washing Machine

A maximum of one payment only.

Eligibility for help from the scheme

You can apply if you are over 16 and live in Lancashire.

If you are claiming Housing Benefit and having problems paying your rent, you may be able to get some additional help by applying for Discretionary Housing Payments. These are additional short term payments that you can apply for from the office that pays your Housing Benefit.

How to apply

If you want to apply for support with essential household items please apply on Lancashire County Council's website.

Apply for help with essential household items

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