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State Subsidy

The grants are given as aid under the Temporary Framework for State aid measures to support the economy in the current Covid-19 outbreak.

These grants are required to comply with the EU law on State Aid.

De minimis declaration

In this case, this involves returning a declaration to this authority if you have received any other de minimis State aid or aid provided under the EU Commission Covid-19 Temporary Framework.

You will need to complete the de minimis declaration if you receive a grant on this basis, or the Temporary Framework declaration and return it to the Town Hall, Lancaster Road, PR1 2RL.

In terms of declaring previous de minimis aid, we are only interested in public support which is de minimis aid that has been received within the current or previous two financial years (State Aid received under other exemptions or public support which is not State Aid does not need to be declared).

If you have not received any other de minimis State aid, you do not need to complete or return the declaration.

If you wish to refuse grant funding in relation to the premises to which this bill and letter relates, please complete a refused grant funding form and return it to the Town Hall, Lancaster Road, PR1 2RL. 

You do not need to complete the declaration

If you have been offered SBGF as de minimis aid, you can only receive up to €200,000 over a three-year period.

If you have been offered RHLG (or SBGF on this basis), you can only receive up to €800,000 under the Temporary Framework (other conditions also apply).

This may be particularly relevant to those premises that are part of a large chain, where the cumulative total of grant funding received could exceed these thresholds.

Under the European Commission rules, you must retain this letter for three years from the date on this letter and produce it on any request by the UK public authorities or the European Commission.(You may need to keep this letter longer than three years for other purposes).

Furthermore, information on this aid must be supplied to any other public authority or agency asking for information on 'de minimis' aid for the next three years.

For more information see COVID-19 business grant subsidy allowance guidance.

Further guidance and information can be found on GOV.UK - Local Restrictions Support Grants (LRSG) and Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG).

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