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Friargate South Project consultation summary

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Friargate South Project aerial image

Thank you to everyone who took the time to have your say in our consultation which took place in 2023/24 on the proposed improvements to Friargate South, Cheapside and Orchard Street.

Your feedback is important to us, and your suggestions and comments have been considered by the Council's project team.

We received comments from 94 respondents and are pleased to provide a summary of the consultation.

Friargate South Project

The proposals comprise:

  • Public realm improvement works to Cheapside/ Friargate South (the southern section which runs down to the junction with Ringway) and Orchard Street.
  • Better pavements, new trees, planting and improved seating
  • A series of improvements to encourage pedestrian/cycle movement through the city centre and provide better connectivity with the wider network.

The improvement works to Friargate South and Cheapside are being delivered as part of the 'Active Preston' programme with funding from the UK Government and are planned to start on site in early 2025.

The delivery of improvements to Orchard Street is dependent upon the Council securing funding from the 'Active Preston' programme; a decision from Government is awaited.

The scheme supports the Council's Community Wealth Building commitment to create a resilient and inclusive economy, improving the local environment, better air quality and encouraging active travel.

The works are designed to improve the quality of the public spaces and to create safer, better linkages within the central core of the city. The aim of the proposals is to create an attractive, safer, people-friendly, greener street scene and walking/cycling environment. This will improve footfall and dwell time to support local businesses.

For more information on the scheme visit Invest Preston - Transforming Friargate South Project

Summary of Feedback


The majority of comments when asked about what they liked were positive and in favour of the scheme and supportive of the investment in this area of the city centre, which most felt was overdue and much needed.

A large number in particular liked the tree planting and green aspects; bringing the area up to date (modernising); the provision for cycling and the fact that the scheme joins up Fishergate South with Fishergate North; pedestrianisation of the area; and creating a better more attractive area with opportunities for outdoor dining.

Generally, the respondents were pleased with the proposed improvements to the city centre, as they felt the area needs modernisation to help attract more businesses, enhance the shopping experience and help with the nighttime economy.


Although many liked the scheme there were many and varied concerns, some not able to be addressed by this project:

The top concern was about promoting cycling to the detriment of cars and pedestrians; no need for cycle lanes in a busy pedestrian area as it was perceived as dangerous; too many electric delivery cyclists which are seen as a nuisance; no consideration for disabled and older people who may not cycle.

Other comments were:

  • there are too many cycle lanes in Preston.
  • no provision for secure cycle storage whilst shopping or working.
  • concerns regarding long-term maintenance of trees and paving.
  • potential disruption to businesses and visitors/shoppers if the work takes too long.

Other general concerns were raised about the city centre and Fishergate which are not covered by this particular project.

The concerns are other areas in Preston need more investment than Friargate (for example, Church Street); around empty shops; the state of repair of some empty units; need for shop front improvements; attract more and better shops; too many homelessness and persistent beggars.

Other comments concerned transport such as more free car parking in the city centre; completely traffic free area; better public transport and more convenient bus stops.

Comments/things to make it better

There was specific technical advice given around surface water, plant and tree species and other green issues plus more general comments. Those relevant to the improvements proposed being:

Big art installations to add interest; consider long-term maintenance of trees, plants and paving surface; segregation of cyclists and pedestrians; be family friendly; consider traffic restrictions/times for delivery to limit damage to surfaces and for safety; more seating and bins; limit disruption to businesses.

Next steps

  • Consideration given to comments in furthering the scheme.
  • Final designs and plans are being drawn up.
  • Work will most likely commence in early 2025.
  • Further contact and communication with affected traders/retailers will be made.

Visit Invest Preston - Preston City Centre investment and development projects, strategies and plans, for other projects and developments across the city centre.

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