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Empty homes

Row of terrace houses

Report an empty home

To report an empty property in Preston please complete our report an empty property form.

Empty Homes Week 2025

Every March we celebrate Empty Homes Week.

The theme for 2025 is 'People and Planet', showing how local authorities work tirelessly to bring empty homes back into use and help local people live healthier better lives, as well as highlighting the role that empty homes can play in helping us all to minimise climate breakdown.

For more information visit the Empty Homes Week news article

Buying an empty home

Information and advice on buying an empty property.

Empty homes and enforcement action

When enforcement against an empty property has to be considered.

Empty home owners and responsible ownership

Information and advice for empty home owners.

Selling, letting or renovating an empty home

Information on selling, letting or renovating an empty home.

Making Homes from Houses Project

About the Making Homes from Houses Project.

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