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Preston residents provide recommendations on how the City can tackle climate change

24 May 2024

Preston's People Climate Jury

Preston's People Climate Jury

At the University of Central Lancashire's Media Factory, 20 residents of Preston, all members of the People's Climate Jury, unveiled their recommendations for addressing climate change to a group of invited guests, including Carol Henshaw, Preston City Councillor and Cabinet Member for Climate Change.

In total, the People's Climate Jury made 24 recommendations to address climate change and its impact in Preston. These covered three themes:

  • Housing
  • Transport
  • Food and farming.

The recommendations were in response to the question:

"How can we in Preston work together to address the opportunities and challenges of climate change in a way that is fair to everyone?". 

Over a six-week period, and for 30 hours in total, the jury members heard from experts and shared their own views which resulted in a report and recommendations to drive action on climate change across the city.

To ensure a fair and unbiased process, an advisory group was recruited of local government, private sector, faith, community and trade union representatives.

The jury's top recommendation focuses on enhancing energy efficiency in housing which includes raising the profile of Cosy Homes in Lancashire (Chil) and working in collaboration with Preston College to develop local skills in retrofitting.

Transport was a major focus, featuring in over half of the recommendations, which included suggestions to improve bus services, upgrade bus stops, enhance routes, and encourage more bus travel.

After their presentation, jury members discussed their recommendations with stakeholders, aiming to achieve a city-wide commitment to take the recommendations forward.

Councillor Carol Henshaw, Cabinet Member for Climate Change at Preston City Council, said: 

"In 2019, the city of Preston declared a climate emergency and set a goal of being carbon neutral by 2030. Today marks a significant step to that goal and driving the climate agenda forward.

"I'm fully behind the jury's recommendations and hope that through today's event and continuing conversation, they can become a catalyst for positive change across the city.

"I want to place on record my thanks to the members of the jury who have dedicated their time to make a difference to our future, it has been a pleasure to work alongside you."

The launch will formally mark the end of the jury's work but the beginning of what we hope will become a city-wide commitment to progress their recommendations for climate action in Preston.

Luke Woodison x Councillor Henshaw x Nadine Johnrose

Nadine Johnrose of Ribbleton, member of the Preston People's Climate Jury said:

"At the start I didn't really know much about climate change. I've now left the experience with a good understanding and being part of the Jury has been both educational and enjoyable, learning about what changes I can make that can have an overall impact. I've always felt that it's something the world has to do, but actually one person can make a difference."

Asked about the recommendations the Jury have been made, Nadine said:

"It feels like an achievement that we got there. With 30 members of the Jury, there were lots of different views and people representing different values so I'm really proud that we got to this point. I do feel like we have represented Preston in a very fair way because everyone has their say no matter where they are from. Now we want the people of Preston to help implement them."

Nadine Johnrose x Luke Woodison

Luke Woodison of Ashton, member of the Preston People's Climate Jury said:

"It's something that I think is a widespread issue, it's very important, if not the most important issue of our generation. There's not a lot of information out there about climate change or discussions being had. I want to do something to help the local community and help tackle the issue of climate change. I can use what I have learnt and pass that down.

"I hope that the recommendations we have put together are seen and acted on. I want the people who can influence decision-making to take our recommendations seriously. I want everyone to understand that they can play their own part in tackling climate change."

The Climate Jury has been hosted by Preston City Council, working with specialist facilitators Shared Future CIC, with funding from the Government's UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). The launch event itself was hosted and funded by the Institute for Planetary Resilience and Community Transformation at the University of Central Lancashire.

Pete Bryant, Director at Shared Future said:

"The jury shows what happens when a mini version of the Preston population comes together for 30 hours to consider what we need to do in Preston to address climate change.

"It includes Preston residents from all over the district, aged between 16 to 77 years old and many walks of life, including some who are not at all concerned about climate change and some who are very concerned.

"Their message is loud and clear and should be seriously considered by business leaders, politicians, community leaders and everyone who works and plays in the city."

The UKSPF Fund

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government's Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025.

The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills.

View the Preston People's Climate Jury report.

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