
General requirements
Managing the hazards connected with the erection of temporary demountable structures including:
- Stages
- Stage gantries
- Canopies
- Marquees
Is the responsibility of the contractors who are employed to undertake their duties conscientiously and in accordance with the appropriate risk assessments and safety method statements.
Contractors and/or suppliers of such equipment are required to supply the following documents for inspection; Prior to delivery and/or installation of any equipment;
- Full Job-Specific Risk Assessment
- Safety Method Statement
- Technical Data / Equipment Specification
- Company Health and Safety Statement
- Proof of Competency of their employees and/or sub-contractors
- Current Employers and Public Liability Insurance Certificates
And on completion
- Signed Completion Certificates
- 'Emergency/Out of Hours' contact details
All marquee suppliers should be members of Pertexa (formerly MUTA), the marquee hirers' trade association.
Pertexa's Code of Practice for Hiring Contractors and Code of Public Safety - Use and Operation of Marquees cover the full extent of Health and Safety issues applicable to the industry.
All marquees supplied must conform to the standards and specifications laid down in BS EN 13782:2005. Framed marquees, disposing of the use of guy ropes and steel pegs, are preferred. However, if traditional style marquees are to be supplied for aesthetic reasons the following requirements must be met;
- All pegs to be fitted with padded 'boots'
- Guy rope positions must not impede access to and egress from the marquee
- All guy ropes must be readily visible i.e. brightly coloured with any excess rope must be contained inside the peg 'boot'.
All membranes and fabrics used in a marquee must be flame retardant and be free of flaming molten droplet characteristics.
A certificate from a recognised standing to show compliance with the above provisions will be sought from the marquee company.
All marquees will be equipped with:
- An adequate number of emergency exits of a suitable size
- Emergency exit signs
- Emergency Lighting (Events after Dark)
- Fire Extinguishers/Fire Points
Any emergency exits consisting of wall flaps will be of quick release design, clearly defined at the edges and so arranged for easy and immediate egress from the inside.
All exits will be evenly distributed around the marquee so that genuine alternative routes are available.
All tented structures should be provided with water-based extinguishers of a minimum capacity of six litres. These should be visible, easily accessible and should be easily operated. One fire extinguisher should be positioned at each emergency exit. CO2 extinguishers should also be provided where necessary to deal with electrical fires.
All means of heating other than electrical should be placed externally and ducted in by means of flame retardant hosing. Exception to this rule may be permitted by reference to the local Fire Officer.
All heaters should conform to relevant national standards such as BS 799-2,4,5 + 8 for oil burning equipment. Spare containers of LPG should be stored at least 6 metres from any structure, protected against unauthorised interference and accidental leakage and, where grouped, should be locked together.
'Smoking is Prohibited' signs must be affixed at all entrances into marquees and also displayed at the opening into any internal partitioned compartment.