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Preston's young people to choose Youth Zone brand name

5 March 2024

Preston Youth Zone illustration

Young people living in Preston and beyond are being invited to choose the new name and brand for their Youth Zone.

Over the past two months, the Youth Zone's Young People's Development Group (YPDG), comprising of local young people aged 12-19, have been working with design agencies The Chase and Bird, who have given their time to create two striking new brand names to be put to a public vote; Base and Vault. The group is now inviting all young people across Preston and surrounding areas to have their say in a public vote, and the winning brand will become the Youth Zone's name.

The group chose 'Base' as they believed it was short and simple, but also captured the essence of a Youth Zone being a safe base to return to, somewhere to feel grounded. The Youth Zone will be the starting point of many new adventures for local young people. The clean black and white logo allows for other colours to be used within the brand concepts, creating a modern, fresh brand.

BASE logo

The name 'Vault' was developed around the concept that the Youth Zone will be a safe space where experiences and connections are stored. It will be a hidden treasure in Preston and a place to develop personal growth. Similarly to base, young people and designers opted for a simple black and white logo which can be coupled with vibrant colours to create a brand with an urban feel. The shapes of the letters in Vault form some of the design elements that would be used in many different ways including in the Youth Zone's interiors.

VAULT logo

Kelsey, aged 18, a member of the Young People's Development Group, said:

"My experience with developing the two brands has been amazing and something I thought I would never experience. I've loved every second of it from meeting new people to putting ideas together for the new Youth Zone. It has let us young people have power and oversee the process and has required creativity, teamwork and genuine commitment to support the Youth Zone."

Stuart Mitchell, Graphic Designer from The Chase, added:

"Working alongside the Young People's Development Group to create the brand for Preston Youth Zone has been an incredible experience. Their enthusiasm, fresh perspectives and unfiltered honesty infused every design session with excitement and creativity. It really was inspiring to see how invested they all were in shaping something which is truly reflective of the aspirations and energy of the community our Youth Zone will soon serve."

Young people and community engagement leads will soon be out in the community and schools collecting votes, with a final count being taken in a few months' time. The vote is just for young people and they can also vote online by visiting On Side Youth Zones - Preston Vote

The Young People's Development Group will have a significant input into a number of key milestones in the Youth Zone's development, ahead of its proposed opening in 2025. From interior design to interviewing potential staff members and raising awareness in the community, they are at the heart of the project throughout.

The Youth Zone will be based on 14 similar OnSide Youth Zones operating across the country - this will be an incredible new space for Preston and beyond filled with energy, inspiration, and highly-skilled youth workers who truly believe in young people. Young people will be able to access over 20 activities every night, ranging from sports such as football, boxing and climbing, to creative arts, music, drama and employability training - all for just £5 annual membership and 50p per visit.

In addition to the incredible facilities, trained youth workers and dedicated volunteers will be available 7 days a week to offer guidance and support to help Preston's young people to thrive. It will create permanent full and part-time jobs, as well as volunteering opportunities.

The Youth Zone, which will be located in the city centre on the corner of Crooked Lane and Tithebarn Street, will be funded by a range of private and public sector contributions including Preston City Council, Preston Towns Fund Board and the Government's Youth Investment Fund.

The Young People's Development Group is always open to new members, if you are interested in getting involved please contact Junaid Darr:

Further information 

OnSide is a national charity that believes all young people should have the opportunity to discover their passion and their purpose.

To find out what they've got and where it could take them. We fund and build state-of-the-art, multimillion-pound Youth Zones in the country's most economically disadvantaged areas.

We train the amazing people that run them. We offer continuing support - and the nationwide OnSide Network where they can learn and grow, share their stories and celebrate their success together.

These are brand new, purpose-built spaces fizzing with energy, and crammed with incredible facilities. They offer 20 activities each night ranging from football, climbing and media to skating, DJ-ing, drama and employability training with entry costing just 50p along with a £5 membership.

They are staffed by skilled and dedicated youth workers who truly believe in young people - helping them see what they could achieve, and giving them the skills, confidence and ambition to go for it.

Over 50,000 young people are already members across the OnSide network at our 14 open Youth Zones in:

A number of other Youth Zones are currently at different stages of development including Hammersmith and Fulham, Grimsby and Barnsley.

Each Youth Zone is an independent charity with its own board. This model of local ownership is a key factor in ensuring the financial sustainability of each Youth Zone. The Youth Zone provides a way for local communities to actively support their young people between the age of 8 and 19 (25 for those with additional needs). 

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