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Cost of Living support continues in Preston

9 November 2023

Help in Preston cost of living

Help in Preston cost of living

As the cost of living continues to rise, many local residents are feeling the effects and are concerned about how they will manage, especially during the winter months.

We realise how tough things are for our local residents, especially low-income households, so we're here to signpost people to a helpful website aimed to provide a wide variety of useful information for the local community. 

The Help In Preston website includes a cost of living support hub, a noticeboard section for local events and a service directory. 

The Council's frontline services also continue to play a vital role in supporting residents every day, particularly through these rough times. 

Affordable Warmth Funding

Funding has been made available to Preston City Council to deliver high impact affordable warmth interventions to individuals who are the most vulnerable to harm from cold or damp homes. Lancashire County Council has provided an Affordable Warmth Grant to districts including Preston. 

In the interests of spending the funding efficiently, quickly and appropriately, the Council decided to use an approved partner, Cosy Homes in Lancashire (CHiL), along with trusted installers. Eligibility criteria applies.

Lancashire County Council Warm / Community Spaces

The County Council has developed a network of warm, safe and welcoming spaces to support residents during the winter months. These warm spaces will provide you with somewhere to keep warm, access information and advice or spend time with others.

Household Support Fund

Household Support Fund is a grant that can help with food, clothing, gas, electricity, water and household essentials.

The Household Support Fund from The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) is to assist Preston residents who do not have enough resources to meet their immediate or short term needs and need help and support with essential bills. 

Help and support

The Help In Preston website includes a cost of living support hub, a noticeboard section for local events and a service directory. 

Advice and benefits support

The Council also has a dedicated housing advice team and offers welfare benefits and debt advice. 

Those on a low income may be eligible for the Council Tax Reduction Scheme. People already in receipt of this support and are still struggling may be able to access the discretionary Exceptional Hardship Fund

Access to food

For residents struggling to meet the cost of food there is a range of support available

Winter fuel payments

People born on or before 25 September 1956 could get between £250 and £600 to Winter Fuel payment which includes a Pensioner Cost of Living Payment and Cold Weather payments. 

Learning and skills

The Help in Preston website also supports employment, skills and training. Learning Working and Volunteering.

Further support to look for jobs, write CVs, make applications, or build confidence, is available from Preston Work Clubs.

Councillor Nweeda Khan, Cabinet Member for Communities and Social Justice, at Preston City Council, said:

"I want to reflect on what is unique about Preston and how we are working with the strengths of the city and its people - particularly those working in the voluntary and community sectors to deal with the ongoing crisis we face.  

"Working together we are stronger and can accomplish so much more. This isn't just about working short term; this is a long term reality for the most vulnerable in our communities.  

"The Council continues to support Preston Food Hub with over 60 active members delivering bespoke services and food provision, and a network of work clubs across the city run by various partner organisations and volunteers."

More information

Useful phone numbers for Preston City Council services

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