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Taxi Policy - Appendix E - Hackney carriage driver code of conduct Legislation requires the Authority to licence persons as a hackney carriage driver it deems "fit and proper". The Authority has specific requiremen...
Taxi Policy - Appendix K - Hackney carriage vehicle licence conditions The vehicle licence holder shall, within 7 days, notify the Authority, in writing, of any change of address. The vehicle licence holder shall ensure tha...
Taxi Policy - Appendix J - Private hire vehicle licence conditions The vehicle licence holder shall ensure that whilst a private hire vehicle is licensed by Preston City Council the vehicle is not to be licensed by anot...
Taxi Policy - Appendix H - Hackney carriage vehicle specification Vehicles must conform to M1 vehicle standard. Converted vehicles must have either European Whole Vehicle Type Approval/Individual Type Approval (IVA) or...
Taxi Policy - Appendix L - Intended use policy for the licensing of hackney carriages for the New Grant of a Hackney Carriage Licence Applicants for new hackney carriage vehicle proprietor licences shall be expected to demonstrate a ...
Taxi Policy - Appendix F - Dress code for licensed drivers Authority is committed to encouraging the professional image of the trade and it considers that drivers should conform to a minimum standard of dress, as se...
Taxi Policy - Appendix I - Driver/vehicle proprietor vehicle maintenance safety is at the core of hackney carriage and private hire licensing, the safety of a licensed vehicle is an integral part of that. As part of the condit...
Taxi policy - Appendix M - Hackney carriage stands nO. OF HACKNEY CARRIAGES Hours During Which Stand May be Used Lancaster Road - west side from a point 11 metres south of its junction with the centrel...
Purchase orders terms and conditions In these Conditions Conditions Conditions means the standard terms and conditions of purchase set out in this document, and (unless the context o...
Equality and Fairness in Procurement for Contractors