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Preston Towns Fund Board Appoints Limitless Public Relations

26 January 2023

Preston City Centre - view from the roof of the Harris Museum

Preston City Centre - view from the roof of the Harris Museum

Limitless Public Relations, the Preston and Blackburn-based firm, has secured a three-year contract with Preston City Council following a competitive tender process.

The agency has been appointed to deliver strategic communications support for Preston's £20.9 million Town Deal which it secured in March 2021 as part of the government's £3.6 billion Towns Fund, established to help level up towns and cities around the country.

The Town Deal has kickstarted The Harris Quarter Towns Fund Investment Programme, a £200 million transformational regeneration programme in Preston's Harris Quarter, the City's cultural and civic heart, led by Preston City Council and the Preston Partnership.

The latest project to start in the programme is Animate, a £45 million leisure and entertainment complex due to be built in the heart of Preston City centre.

The tender includes the delivery of strategic communications for six projects and will be designed to increase awareness of the Towns Fund investment programme, communicating key milestones and keeping residents and businesses up-to-date with the benefits and improvements that this extensive regeneration programme will bring to them.

The tender will also focus on the City's strategic 15-year vision and its City Investment Plan.

The key projects are:

  • Harris Quarter Assets renewal, including refurbishment of Amounderness House, into serviced offices and managed workspace accommodation
  • Animate - new build cinema and leisure scheme
  • Illuminate and Integrate - public realm and lighting improvements
  • Harris Your Place - refurbishment of the Harris Building
  • Preston Youth Zone - state-of-the-art youth building and services
  • Educate Preston - access to careers and education information services

Councillor David Borrow, Cabinet Member for Planning and Regulation, said:

"We are delighted to have Limitless Public Relations on board and looking forward to working together to communicate Preston's regeneration and investment progress. We were impressed with the overall standard of submissions we received, in particular with Limitless's extensive experience and understanding of our ambition and vision for the City."

John Chesworth, Chair of the Towns Fund Board, added:

"Limitless Public Relations has been chosen to support Preston's Towns Fund investment programme following a thorough tender process against stiff opposition, and we are looking forward to working closely together on all the exciting projects that are starting to come to fruition and that will make a positive impact on Preston and its people."

Limitless Director Michael Gregory concluded:

"As someone who came to the city to study and is now an adopted Prestonian, I'm incredibly proud that we've been given the opportunity to tell Preston's story, showcase its ambitions and herald its future.

"I've seen Preston evolve over the 27 years I've lived here, and there is so much to shout about. It's a happening place to live, work and grow, and the proactive approach by the City Council and its partners to create a place that everyone can be proud of is truly commendable.


"Our team is looking forward to working with the Council and its partners in delivering an impactful campaign that will attract people, businesses and investors to the City."

Limitless has recently been appointed to work with Preston-based clients, including AG Built Environment Consultancy, Bako Group Ltd, Redmoor Health, Plumbs and the Santé Group.

It had worked with the University of Central Lancashire and Preston City Council on their partnership with the Rugby League World Cup 2021.

The agency also opened a Preston office in late 2022, and it plans to open two more sites in the North West before looking at Yorkshire and the North East.

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About Limitless Public Relations

Our purpose is to help clients be known.

Limitless is a public relations agency, which is headquartered in Lancashire but operates across the UK and Europe. Our agency has more than 60 experts who work with clients to design and deliver insight-driven strategies, helping them achieve their communication objectives.

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