Report fly tipping

We are responsible for investigating and removing fly tipped items from streets and public open spaces in Preston.
Whilst we can investigate fly tipping on private land, it is the land owners responsibility to remove it.
Please note: for domestic waste problems at a residential property (e.g. a large pile of rubbish in your neighbours yard), you can report a build up of waste on private land.
What is fly tipping?
Fly tipping is the illegal practice of dumping unwanted items in the environment.
Fly tipping can vary in size, but normally applies to a refuse sack size amount of rubbish or more. It can include anything from a single mattress to several truckloads of demolition, construction or excavation waste.
Issues we don't deal with
For issues on the following types of land you will need to report the problem with the contact provided:
- Responsible authority - Canals & River Trust
- Contact -
Rivers, streams, brooks
- Responsible authority - Environment Agency
- Contact -
Community Gateway land
- Responsible authority - Community Gateway Association
- Contact - Community Gateway - contact us
How to report a fly tipping problem
To report a fly tipping problem complete the following online form:
Report a street cleaning problem
What information we need
Try to make a note of the following:
- date
- time
- location (please be as accurate as possible)
- items being dumped
- vehicle type and registration number (if person seen fly tipping)
Please note: larger scale incidences of fly tipping should be reported to the Environment Agency on 0800 807 060.
What will happen if someone is caught fly tipping?
If someone is caught fly tipping, or if waste from their premises is found fly tipped, they can be fined up to £50,000 or face possible imprisonment.
Safety points
- never touch the waste: fly tipped waste can be dangerous - it may contain syringes, broken glass, asbestos, toxic chemicals or other hazardous substances
- never disturb the site - there may be evidence that could help identify the fly-tippers and lead to their prosecution
- never approach anyone you see fly tipping - they could become violent
Remember - don't put yourself at risk!