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Corporate Equality Strategy - Easy Read


We really want to meet the needs of the people who live and work in Preston, within the resources that we have available.  

Resources include staff and money.

To try to achieve equality for all, the Council will work towards:

  • Reducing discrimination in employment and the services we deliver. The Council will not discriminate or treat people unfairly, because of a person's age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, and sexual orientation
  • We will do more than what is covered by the - Equality Act 2010 and will not treat people differently because of their socioeconomic status (which means people living in poverty) as we know that there are differences across our city and within our communities.

We will also aim to consider and meet the needs of:

  • Armed Forces Veterans
  • carers
  • people living with dementia
  • asylum seekers and refugees
  • people living in rural locations
  • people with an offending history

This strategy sets our commitment to equality and diversity.

The Council Equality Objectives are:

  1. Consult and engage with communities - this means we will ask what you think about the things we do and plan to do.
  2. Listen to the community about issues that affect them - we will listen to what you say and think.     
  3. Support vulnerable customers (these are customers who need the most help) especially those who are living in poverty or deprivation.
  4. To support business and encourage a thriving economy consisting of safe and well regulated workplaces.

Corporate Equality Strategy - Easy Read

Please download our Corporate Equality Strategy easy read document (PDF, 547 KB) or view the information below. 

A cartoon image of various size hands in the air

Treating customers fairly is very important to the Council. We will do all we can with the staff we have. We will work with the communities to understand what people need.

Scrabble pieces on a white background spelling out Listen, Understand and Act.

The Council will ask customers what they think about Council policies, listen to people and support vulnerable customers.

Gender icons at an equal level on weighting scales

The Council believes that everybody should have an equal chance to give something to and benefit from the City.

Cartoon characters showing a diverse community

A diverse community where people are different is a positive thing.

Signs saying no racism, no prejudice and no discrimination

The Council will not treat anybody unfairly and be a good example to others.

Pictures in cartoon form of abuse and harassment

Deal with prejudice and discrimination means things like racial abuse or sexual harassment.

Picture of Councillor Nweeda Khan

A Councillor called Nweeda Khan deals with equalities and will work with the Chief Executive of the Council and other Managers to make sure things get done.

A picture of the Chief Executive of Preston City Council Adrian Phillips

The Chief Executive is called Adrian Phillips. Adrian will work with Councillors and Senior Managers at the Council to make sure things work.

A chalk board with the words make it happen! underlined.

The Chief Executive ensures things get done, that customers know about it and that our staff know about it.

The entrance to the Town Hall in Preston

Everyone who works at Preston City Council has a part to play.

Paper cut outs of a person in a wheelchair with other people in the background.

The Council will consider equality in all areas of employment:

  • People applying for jobs
  • People getting better jobs
  • Pay
  • Training
  • Keeping staff in jobs
  • Welfare
  • When people leave jobs 

A blue sign with the wheelchair icon saying Accessible Entrance.

Making buildings safe, easy to get in to and easy to use.

An image explaining the website is open 24/7 anytime, anywhere

Technology - For example we have computers people can use in the Town Hall and free Wi-Fi.

A chalk drawing of a scale with the words work and life on them.

The Council supports:

  • Flexible working
  • Reduced hours
  • Part-time working
  • Home working
  • Gradual return to work after sickness

A cartoon on parents changing a babies nappy.

The Council supports:

  • Parental leave schemes
  • Career breaks

A blue and green file with the words Procedure and Policies on them.

The Council has:

  • An Equal Opportunities Policy which says what the Council will do.

A sign with a red cross through it with the words No bullying.

The Council has:

  • A Harassment, Bullying and Victimisation Policy
  • A requirement to deal with things that happen when they happen

A circle of words which represent customer service

The Council will be fair in the way:

  • It plans and delivers services
  • People get in to and use council buildings
  • Information is given
  • Customers are dealt with and deal with any problems and complaints

Pretend people talking with a speech bubble saying My Opinion?

The Council will:

  • Ask local people to join in making decisions
  • Help people be heard

The words make it clear in blue and white writing

The Council will:

  • Give people clear information
  • Tell people what has been decided

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