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Preston City Council to support national track and trace system to tackle coronavirus cases in the city

Town Hall entrance close up of stonework smaller version

Town Hall entrance close up of stonework small version

3 September 2020

Preston City Council will have greater involvement in reaching out to residents in the city who have either tested positive for coronavirus, or been in contact with someone who has as part of the national track and trace system.

Residents who have been identified as "contacts" by someone who has tested positive and not been successfully reached by the national system will be contacted by phone, text message and then email by a member of Preston City Council staff.

They will be advised of the need to self-isolate in line with national guidelines and encouraged to get a test as soon as safe and practical.

If residents cannot be reached by these means, members of staff carrying valid Preston City Council ID badges will carry out home visits to ensure contact is made as well as provide them with guidance and support as necessary.

Councillor Matthew Brown, Leader of Preston City Council, said:

"Track and trace is vital in the fight against coronavirus. It is imperative that anybody who is contacted by the NHS or council follows instructions and self-isolates for the designated time period to help stop the spread of the virus.

"We believe that adding our local knowledge and resource to the track and trace efforts will lead to a more effective system and help reach more people, aiding our efforts to stop the virus."

"Support and guidance is on hand through our community hub - Preston Together - to support vulnerable people who have been asked to self-isolate.

"We're extremely grateful to the efforts and sacrifices of everyone in the city to help us fight the virus. However, it is not over yet and we all need to do our best to avoid being a contact by washing hands, wearing face coverings and maintaining distance in public."

The council will use information from Public Health England to get in touch with residents to ask them to self-isolate. Staff will also ask residents for information about their recent activity and people they have been in contact with as well as providing support and guidance.

Further information

  • Contact information for residents has been provided to Preston City Council by Public Health England and will be treated according to relevant safeguarding and GDPR policies.
  • Residents will be contacted by trained Preston City Council staff on a withheld number, via text message from 'Preston CC', or via email from
  • Vulnerable or isolated residents in need of support can access this through Preston Together by calling 01772 906777 or visiting Preston Together.
  • While Preston City Council facilitates the operation of testing sites in the city we're unable to answer questions about individual tests, results or the testing process.
  • For more information see Track and Trace

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