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Past Mayors from 1800 - 1899

Preston lamb logo

The tradition of having a Mayor of Preston dates back to the Middle Ages when the city's first Charter (a document bestowing certain rights on a town) was granted by Henry II in 1179.

Preston's first recorded Mayor was called Aubrey, son of Robert, who took up his position in 1327. Although there is little other information about him, it is thought that he was a wealthy businessman of his time and was chosen to be Mayor by a select few wealthy associates, the majority of local people had no say in the matter.

Nowadays, the Mayor has to be a Preston city councillor, meaning that local people have voted for them to represent their communities.

Mayors from 1800 - 1899

Below is a table of past Mayors ranging from 1800 - 1899. You will find the most up to date list of Mayors on the background to the Mayor of Preston page.

* Denotes Guild Mayor

James Yates Foster1899 - 1900
John Pearson1898 - 1899
John Edward Dunn1897 - 1898
Henry Davies1896 - 1897
Philip Samuel Park1895 - 1896
William Henry Woods1894 - 1895
John Holden1893 - 1894
Thomas Edelston1892 - 1893
John Humber1891 - 1892
George Galloway1890 - 1891
James Burrow1889 - 1890
James Burrow1888 - 1889
James Burrow1887 - 1888
Walter Bibby1886 - 1887
Benjamin Walmsley1885 - 1886
John Forshaw1884 - 1885
John Forshaw1883 - 1884
Edward Garlick1882 - 1883
Edmund Birley* 1881 - 1882
James Hibbert1880 - 1881
William Naylor1879 - 1880
William Henry Goodair1878 - 1879
John Satterthwaite1877 - 1878
Moses Savery Maynard1876 - 1877
Joseph Bithell Hallmark1875 - 1876
Charles Fryer1874 - 1875
John James Myres1873 - 1874
Miles Myres1872 - 1873
Miles Myres1871 - 1872
Lawrence Catlow Spencer1870 - 1871
John Rawcliffe1869 - 1870
John James Myres1868 - 1869
Miles Myres1867 - 1868
Edmund Birley1866 - 1867
Charles Roger Jacson1865 - 1866
Joseph Isherwood1864 - 1865
Samuel Smith1863 - 1864
Philip Park1862 - 1863
Robert Townley Parker* 1861 - 1862
John Goodair1860 - 1861
Thomas Walmsley1859 - 1860
William Birley1858 - 1859
John Humber1857 - 1858
Lawrence Spencer1856 - 1857
Richard Threlfall1855 - 1856
William Humber1854 - 1855
Thomas Walmsley1853 - 1854
Peter Catterall1852 - 1853
Thomas Monk1851 - 1852
John Catterall1850 - 1851
James German1849 - 1850
Richard Pedder1848 - 1849
Thomas Birchall1847 - 1848
John Paley, Jnr.1846 - 1847
Thomas German1845 - 1846
John Paley, Jnr.1844 - 1845
John Addison1843 - 1844
William Taylor1842 - 1843
Samuel Horrocks, Jnr.* 1841 - 1842
George Jackson1840 - 1841
William Clayton1839 - 1840
John Paley1838 - 1839
Thomas German1837 - 1838
Peter Haydock1836 - 1837
Thomas Miller1835
Thomas Troughton1834
John Woodburn1833
John Addison1832
James Dixon1831
Nicholas Grimshaw1830
James Mounsey1829
John Troughton1828
Hugh Dewhurst1827
Thomas Miller1826
Nicholas Grimshaw1825
Richard Newsham1824
John Troughton1823
Daniel Lyon1822
Nicholas Grimshaw* 1821 - 1822
Thomas Miller1820
Hugh Dewhurst1819
Richard Newsham1818
Nicholas Grimshaw1817
John Troughton1816
Edward Robert Travis1815
Daniel Lyon1814
Richard Newsham1813
Nicholas Grimshaw1812
Edward Robert Travis (Travers)1811
George Blelock1810
Daniel Lyon1809
Nicholas Grimshaw1808
Richard Newsham1807
John Grimshaw1806
Edward Robert Travis (Travers)1805
George Blelock1804
Daniel Lyon1803
Samuel Horrocks1802
Nicholas Grimshaw* 1801- 1802
William Prichard (Pritchard)1800

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