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Thank You banner unveiled at The Harris

Harris Museum banner from the outside balcony

Harris Museum banner from the outside balcony

15 May 2020

Preston City Council have commissioned a new banner on The Harris balcony, thanking all Key Workers, NHS and volunteers during Covid-19.

On Friday 15 May 2020, the Mayor of Preston alongside, a member of the council's street cleansing team and volunteer, Suhayl from Preston Promises unveiled the banner of thank you on behalf of the city.

The Mayor, David Borrow,  Preston City Council said:

"Everyone is extremely grateful for the continued hard work of key workers, NHS staff and volunteers.

I am honoured to be able to unveil this banner alongside Jason and Suhayl, to show our gratitude for those who keep our city going and keep us safe. Your hard work and dedication make Preston proud."

Asma, Volunteer from Preston's Promise said:

"During the current situation Preston's Promise have managed to supply essential fresh food to the people of Preston and cooked meals to international students at UCLan. Covid-19 has been our biggest challenge yet, but our volunteers and fellow Prestonians have risen magnificently to the occasion.

All the volunteers at Preston's Promise really appreciate the support it has received from Preston City Council, UCLan and others, we are proud to be a part of the banner unveiling."

Further Information

  • Suhayl Patel has been the Student Support Lead for Preston's Promise. Suhayl heads the Preston's Promise Listening Team, and has overseen the task of contacting all UCLan South Indian students directly.

  • We are working with partners across the County to support the most vulnerable in our community who are facing difficulties, worries and loneliness as a result of Coronavirus (Covid-19).

    • If you are isolated by Covid-19 and need help please visit for more information or call 01772 906777 or email
  • Preston City Council actively applies and prioritises the principles of Community Wealth Building wherever applicable and appropriate. Community Wealth Building is an approach which aims to ensure the economic system builds wealth and prosperity for everyone.

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