Road closure application process

To be considered for a road closure/restriction, you will need to submit a temporary road closure/restriction form at least 12 weeks prior to the proposed event.
Please note: The earlier you can make us aware of your event, the better for all concerned parties. If you submit an application later than 12 weeks before the proposed event, then your application may be refused.
How to apply for a road closure/restriction
You can apply for a temporary road closure or restriction using the online form.
Apply for a temporary road closure/restriction
How will the application be assessed?
We will assess the proposal to:
- Ensure there is enough time to process the application
- Ensure the road is suitable for the closure e.g. is not a major traffic or bus route
- Ensure the proposed activity is suitable for the highway
- Ensure the proposed activity is appropriate as a public event
- Ensure the event route, or diversion routes, do not clash with other activities, such as road works on the same day
First stage of application process
During the first stage of the application process, all application's will be submitted to the Event Safety Advisory Group (ESAG). This is made up of representatives from the emergency services, county council and city council, who will agree your application.
Representatives from our organisation and Lancashire Constabulary may wish to meet with you to discuss the plans in more details and offer advice and guidance.
In certain situations, there may be a need to amend and re-submit your application once presented and this should be factored into time scales.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse a road closure.
Second stage of application process
Once the first stage proposal has been received in-principle agreement, you will need to provide the following information:
- Minimum £5 million indemnity Public Liability Insurance
- Risk Assessment
- Traffic Management Plan and professional traffic management services
- Event plan out lining how you will meet the responsibilities above.
Once the information has been received and agreed by Lancashire Constabulary, Lancashire County Council (as Highway Authority) and the Council's Engineering Manager, the closure will be approved by Preston City Council.
If you are planning a large event with multiple closures, the application may have to go before the Event Safety Advisory Group (ESAG).
A Certified True Copy of the Signed Order will be issued to you and stakeholders no later than 5 working days prior to the closure.
The council's Engineering team will place the legal notices on site and inform stakeholders.
Application rejection notice
If the closure is not approved, you will be notified immediately by us in writing stating the reasons why the application has been rejected.
Post event practice
Once the event has passed, you must ensure that all barriers and signs are removed from the highway as soon as it is safe to do so.
You must also ensure that all rubbish and litter is cleared up following the event and that no obstructions are left on the highway.