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Event organiser responsibility

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The event organiser is responsible for the following.

Public Liability Insurance

Taking out Public Liability Insurance to a minimum indemnity value of £5 million to cover the nature of your event and protect you and the City Council against any third party claims.

Risk Assessment

The event organiser is responsible for outlining the hazards and control measures in place to reduce or eliminate the risks. Advice on completing risk assessments can be obtained from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website.

Traffic Management

The event organiser is responsible for ensuring adequate signage for the closure and any diversion routes, both prior to and during the event. In certain circumstances, qualified traffic management personnel may be required to staff junctions and closure points.

All traffic management must be delivered by a qualified company, in accordance with Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual and be agreed with the Council. Traffic management costs to be borne by the event organiser.


The event organiser is responsible for the installation, maintenance and removal of all necessary road closure and diversion signs. You should be aware that the road should remain open for pedestrians and access to frontages e.g. houses and businesses.

Advance notification

In certain circumstances the event organiser is responsible for ensuring that advance notices of the event are placed on site by a competent person. 

The design of the signs must be agreed with Preston City Council in advance and be in position ten days before the commencement of the closure. These signs should be visible to motorists and other highway user's and in addition, local residents and businesses must be informed of the event, usually via a leaflet drop.


It is important to consider marshals to support the participants and spectators and ensure their safety. Depending on the size of your event, will determine the number and if you need professional stewards.

For further information please download the event planning guide.

Welfare of Participants

The event organiser will need to consider the welfare of participants and spectators and think about toilet provision and first aid. For further information please download the event planning guide.

Car Parking

Consideration must be given to the provision of car parks for people attending the event to avoid further congestion on the highway.

Event Management

The event organiser is responsible for ensuring the event is managed and delivered safely and efficiently.

For further information, refer to the event planning guide.

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