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Temporary Event Notices (TEN)

Champagne flutes

You need a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) if you want to hold an event on a premises without a premises licence or club premises certificate for the following licensable activities:

  • Sale or supply of alcohol
  • Provision of late night refreshment, hot food or drink between 11pm and 5am
  • Regulated entertainment, for example music, singing or dancing

Please note: You will also need a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) if the licensable activity or the times you wish to hold the event are not in the terms of an existing premises licence or club premises certificate.

Who can apply?

  • You must be at least 18 years old to submit a TEN
  • A TEN may only be submitted by an individual and not by an organisation, club or business
  • The individual giving the notice is the proposed 'premises user'

For businesses, clubs or organisations one individual will need to be identified as the proposed premises user.

What are the criteria?

  • 10 clear working days is the minimum notice you can give when submitting a TEN (the 10 days do not include the day it is received, the first day of the event, Bank Holidays or weekends)
  • The event cannot be more than 168 hours and must have less than 499 attendees
  • You can give a maximum of five standard TENs per calendar year
  • If you are a personal licence holder, you can give a maximum of 50 TENs per calendar year

Please note: If you give us any more TENs than you are allowed, we will issue a counter notice.

Late Temporary Event Notices (TENs)

It is possible to apply for a 'late' TEN, which can be given up to five working days but no earlier than nine working days before the event.

  • Anyone over the age of 18 can submit two late TENs in a calendar year, the remaining 3 must be standard TENs
  • Personal licence holders can submit 10 late TENs in a calendar year, the remaining 40 must be standard TENs

When can late TENs be used?

Late TENs should only be used in exceptional circumstances by premises users who may be open to last minute changes. For example changing a venue at short notice.

How much is it?

It costs £21 to apply for a Temporary Event Notice (TENs).

How to apply?

To apply and pay for a TENs please complete the following online form:

GOV.UK - TEN form

Please note: If the premises where the event is to be held is in areas governed by two or more local authorities, please ensure you submit applications to each local authority.

What to include

Your notice should include:

  • Licensable activities details
  • Time period the premises will be used (no more than 168 hours)
  • Times that the licensable activities will take place
  • Maximum number of people to be allowed on the premises at the same time (no more than 499)
  • If alcohol will be sold, whether it will be for sale on or off the premises or both

If more than one event is applied for, there must be at least 24 hours between each event.

What happens next?

We will write to you to confirm we have received both your application and payment before the end of the first working day after it was received.

A copy of your application must also be sent to the Police and to Environmental Health. We will do this on your behalf.


The Police and Environmental Health have three working days to object from the day the TEN is received.

A TEN may be objected if the event goes against any licensing objectives. With the agreement of the premises user, the Police and Environmental Health can modify the TEN, however, a late TEN cannot be modified.


If no agreement to a standard TEN notice is made, we will hold a hearing to decide whether to:

  • Approve the TEN without modification
  • Approve the TEN with modification
  • Issue a counter notice

A decision to the objection must be made at least 24 hours before the beginning of the event.


If you disagree with a hearing decision, you can appeal. You must do this within 21 days and at least five working days before the date of your event

You cannot appeal:

  • Counter notice objecting a Late TEN
  • Counter notice in relation to exceeding the TEN submission limit per calendar year

You can appeal:

  • Counter notice objecting a standard TEN

To appeal please contact the Licensing Sub-Committee on or call 01772 906911.

Tacit consent

Tacit consent applies to Temporary Event Notices, this means that you can assume your notice has been granted after 10 working days unless you've heard from us that there have been representations from responsible authorities.

Displaying your notice

You must keep your TEN in a safe place where the event is held. You must also display a copy of the notice where it can be easily seen.

Customer complaints

If you have a problem with an event operating under a Temporary Event Notice, we recommend you contact the organiser directly to resolve the issue.

If this is not successful, you could try the Citizen Advice Bureau or, if you live outside the UK, UK European Consumer Centre.

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