Complaints and reviews - licensed premises

All premises must hold a premises licence if they carry out the following licensable activities:
- sell alcohol
- provide regulated entertainment
- sell hot food or drinks (between 11pm and 5am)
Complaints we deal with
You can complain about premises that are:
- breaking conditions on their licence, for example opening hours
- carrying out licensable activities without a licence, for example the sale of alcohol
To view the licence conditions of a premises please visit our licensing public register.
Complaints we don't deal with
- criminal activity, for example public order or anti social behaviour, please contact the police on 01772 203203
- environmental issues, for example noise or litter, please visit the Environmental Health section for more information
How to make a complaint
If you have concerns about a licensed premises please email
What happens next?
You will be contacted by a licensing officer to further discuss the issue.
Licence reviews
Any responsible authority, for example the Police, Environmental Health, Fire and Rescue etc, or individuals can ask us to review a licence.
However, such reviews are considered a last resort following efforts to resolve the issue with parties involved.
What are the criteria?
Licence reviews are based on one or more of the following licensing objectives not being promoted at a licensed premises:
- Prevention of crime and disorder
- Public safety
- Prevention of public nuisance
- Protection of children from harm
Apply for a review
To apply for a licence review please complete the apply for a premises licence or club premises review (PDF, 179 KB) and return or deliver to us:
Licensing office
Preston City Council
Town Hall
Lancaster Road
What happens next?
There will be a period of 28 days starting the day after we have received your application to review a premises licence or club premises certificate.
This period allows objections to be submitted by other responsible authorities, then a hearing will be held to determine the application.