How to pay business rates

Business rates are payable in ten monthly instalments normally starting on 1 April each year.
We can arrange for you to make payments over twelve months if you contact us on 01772 906972 or by emailing us at
How to pay online
You can pay your business rates online using an online self-serve account. You must first register for an online self-serve account which will then track the progress of your payments and allow you to securely view the balance on your business rates.
Pay by Direct Debit
Direct Debit is the safest and easiest way to pay your business rates. You can easily set this up now by calling the business rates section on 01772 906972 (minicom: 01772 906858) with your bank account details and the instruction will be actioned without the need to complete any paperwork.
Our Telephone hours
- Monday - Friday: 9am - 3pm
If you prefer, you can download the Direct Debit Mandate form (PDF, 62 KB) and return it to Preston Town Hall.
If the front of your bill states that your payment method is by direct debit you do not need to complete a new instruction, your direct debit will automatically continue each year.
Payment by debit or credit card
You can pay by debit or credit card the following ways:
- Pay business rates online if you have your debit or credit card and account number available.
- Through the 24 hours a day automated telephone service on 0345 155 0028 or through the manned payment line on 01772 906660.
By post
Remittances should be sent to the address shown on the front of your bill.
Please write your business rates account number on the reverse of your cheque. Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to Preston City Council.
Do not send your bill unless you also send a prepaid envelope for its return. Receipts are only given for payment made by post if a stamped addressed envelope is provided by you.
PayPoint and the Post Office networks
To find where your nearest PayPoint or Post Office outlet is please use Allpay's easy to use search tool.
Please quote your business rates account number together with the council's account details when completing a paying in slip. (A small fee may be charged.)
- Account name: Preston C.C.Account
- Account number: 13162739
- Sort code: 16-28-33
- Bank name: The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC.
Standing order
Please quote the following on your standing order:
- your business rates account reference number as shown on the front of the bill
- amounts of your monthly instalments
- payment dates
- and the council's bank account details
Note: When making a payment through a bank or post office it will not be effective until the credit has been received and identified by the council. You should, therefore, allow sufficient time for your instructions to be carried out.