Corporate plan - Achieving Preston's Priorities
Achieving Preston's Priorities
The Achieving Preston's Priorities (APP) document is produced annually and sets out the links between these priorities and each service's delivery plan.
You can download a copy of the Achieving Preston's Priorities Document 2023/24 (PDF) [1MB] .
The Service Delivery Plans incorporate the relevant key projects and priorities from the APP and show how planned service developments link to the strategic objectives.
The plans identify the lead officer responsible for the delivery of projects. Workforce planning is undertaken as part of service planning at Preston City Council.
Our vision sees Preston as a growing vibrant city in the North West
This will only be achieved in partnership with all stakeholders in the city. To achieve this the council's medium to long term objectives for the city and the council as an organisation are set out as three priority areas.
- Your City - Securing investment; improving assets and infrastructure; attracting high quality jobs; creating a city with a strong cultural and leisure offer.
- Fairness for you - Fairness at the heart of decision making; an economy supporting prosperity and promoting fairness in working lives and practices; accessibility to affordable energy and decent affordable homes.
- Your Council - Providing well run value for money services; demonstrating good governance, openness, transparency and a strong democratic process.