Inglewhite Conservation Area

Summary of Special Interest
The special character of Inglewhite Conservation Area derives from a range of elements, some more tangible than others;
- The orientation of the properties facing the central village greens; the cobbled forecourts, front and rear gardens, the spaces between the buildings and their informal relationship to each other as a series of several groups of buildings.
- The Village greens and the Market Cross historically used as a market place for agricultural produce of the wider areas and also the site of annual fairs for the surrounding agricultural community.
- The architectural quality of the buildings; the traditional vernacular characteristic of localised building materials and construction techniques; primarily random and coursed sandstone rubble walls, dressed with stone quoins and window jambs and lintels. Slate roofs, including surviving examples of random Westmorland slate.
- The scale and appearance of the buildings are in the main fairly simple, two-storey, double-depth domestic properties. Some are former farmhouses, inns and agricultural buildings.
- Surviving boundaries and long-established routes and thoroughfares.
- The historic pattern of irregular field boundaries enclosed with hedging that reflects the separate common fields.
- The back drop to the village provided by the views of the fells in the Forest of Bowland, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
We have prepared a revised appraisal for consultation. A copy of the appraisal can be viewed and downloaded from the documents section.
Designated: 1986
Area: 13.02 Ha
Article 4: No
Conservation area appraisal
Section 69 (2) of the Act imposes a duty on local authorities to review their conservation areas from time to time and Section 71 requires local authorities to formulate and publish proposals for the preservation and enhancement of conservation areas.
Inglewhite Conservation Area Appraisal (PDF, 4 MB) was updated in July 2022.
Google Map
You can download a PDF version of the Inglewhite Conservation area boundary plan (PDF, 217 KB) here.