Harris Children's Home Conservation Area

Summary of Special Interest
- The development of the site is an example of Victorian philanthropy by Edmund Robert Harris who bequeathed money for the Harris Library and Museum and the Harris Institute.
- It includes a remarkably intact purpose-designed orphanage of the period; a complex of buildings and landscape serving a fully functioning community.
- Harris Park is the only group of buildings of its type to be included on the statutory list of buildings of architectural or historic interest compiled by Historic England.
- The site includes an important example of landscaped grounds laid out in an informal manner influenced by Edward Milner and Joseph Paxton, two eminent landscape designers of their time.
- The landscaping was designed and coordinated by the Superintendent of Preston Parks, George Rowbotham.
- The site includes good building stock of attractive and well-built houses of a 'vernacular revival' style following the trend of suburban, middle-class houses.
- The buildings were designed by Benjamin Sykes of Garlick, Park and Sykes, a notable local and regional architect.
- The site is an illustration of national social reform when there was a shift from the provision of shelter at the workhouse to social care and aid.
Designated: 1984 extended 2007
Area: 6.2 Hectares
Article 4 Direction in Place: No
Character Appraisal
Section 69 (2) of the Act imposes a duty on local authorities to review their conservation areas from time to time and Section 71 requires local authorities to formulate and publish proposals for the preservation and enhancement of conservation areas.
The Harris Park Conservation Area was designated by Preston Borough Council in 1984 and has an area of 6.2 hectares. The latest Harris Park Conservation Area Appraisal (PDF, 1 MB) was produced in 2017 when the boundary was extended.
Map address of Harris Museum drop in event
Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Market Square, Preston, PR1 2PP.
Google Map
You can download a pdf version of the Harris Children's Home Conservation area boundary map (PDF, 216 KB).