Councillor allowances scheme 2024/25 and Revised 2023/2024

The tables below show the budgets set aside for councillor allowances in 2024/25 and the revised budget for 2023/24.
Basic allowance
Governments forthcoming pay awarded to staff
- x1 Multiplier - £4,707
Special responsibility allowances
Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member | 10,426 |
Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member | 7,579 | |
Cabinet Members (excluding Leader and Deputy Leader) | 5,931 | |
Chairs of Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee | 3,530 | |
Chair of Planning Committee | 4,236 | |
Leaders of Opposition Groups - minimum of 6 Members | 4,236 | |
Chairs of the following 5 Committees: |
| |
Audit | 2,117 | |
Taxi and Miscellaneous Sub-Committee | 2,117 | |
Employment | 2,117 | |
Standards | 2,038 | |
Crime and Disorder | 2,117 | |
Chairs of ad hoc Scrutiny task and finish groups
| £54.94 per half day* £109.88 whole day** |
Vice-Chair of the Planning Committee | £2,009 | |
Vice-Chairs of the following Committees on a day rate only and only applicable when chairing the meeting due to the absence of the Chair for the entire meeting:- Licensing (and Chair) Audit Employment Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee Standards Taxi and Miscellaneous Crime and Disorder
£54.99 per half day* £109.88 whole day**
| |
Member Champion for Women | £1,246 | |
Member Champion for Safeguarding | £1,246 | |
Member Champion for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention | £1,246 |
Co-opted members
Independent Persons on Standards Committee Independent Persons on the Independent Panel established for the dismissal procedure for statutory officers. Independent Persons on the Members Allowances Independent Remuneration Panel | n/a n/a n/a | £556 £556 £307 |
Co-opted Members of any other Committee/Panel etc (if any) |
| £54.94 per half day* £109.88 whole day** |
Other Allowances | ||
Mayor | n/a | £8,659 |
Deputy Mayor | n/a | £894 |
* half day not exceeding 4 hours ** full day exceeding 4 hours Note - 1. Mayoral allowances for 2023/24 were set on the recommendation of the Independent Remuneration Panel. These payments are for the full Mayoral year. 2. The Mayor's and Deputy Mayor's allowances are expenses payments which are not part of the Members' Allowances Scheme but they are paid to the post holder under Section 5 of the Local Government Act 1972. 3. All figures are rounded up to the nearest pound |
Travelling, subsistence, childcare and dependants' allowances
Appropriate rates are paid for travelling (depending upon the total mileage claimed or cost of public transport) and for subsistence allowances (breakfast, lunch, tea and evening meal allowances and overnight absences).
The rates relate to time spent away from the normal place of residence.
A list of the current allowances is set out below.
Travel, subsistence and childcare and dependants' allowances are to compensate Councillors for expenditure necessarily incurred when performing an Approved Duty.
Councillors are advised that if they use their personal vehicle for Council business, for example:
- travelling to and from meetings at the Town Hall or elsewhere;
- dealing with ward business or attending site visits
- external meetings etc.
Councillors should ensure that they have adequate business insurance. Requirements can vary with insurance companies and it is important to check.
Please note this applies even if you do not claim any travel allowance for those journeys.
The obligation to adequately insure a vehicle which is used for Council business lies with each Councillor.
If an accident was to happen when using a motor vehicle whilst on Council business the Councillor would have the financial liability, not only to third parties but also for any damage to their vehicle and their person. There would be no cover by the Council's policy of public liability insurance.
Section 175 of the Local Government Act 1972 specifies that Attendance Allowance and subsistence may be paid for Councillors attending relevant conferences.
Travel allowances for attending meetings
These must be submitted in accordance with the parameters for vehicle use, claiming mileage and travel reimbursement as set out in paragraph 2.0 (2.1) of Section 26 of the Employee Handbook.
- By member's own solo motorcycle, rate per mile (see table below)
- By member's own private motor vehicle or one belonging to a member of his family or provided for his use, rate per mile:
- 46.9p per mile for first 8500 miles and 13.7p per mile thereafter up to 999cc; and
- 52.2p per mile for first 8500 miles and 14.4p per mile thereafter over 999c
3. By member's own private bicycle 12p
These rates will be updated automatically in line with Officers' official mileage rates.
Subsistence Allowances
Please note that Subsistence Allowance may only be claimed for official Council duties e.g. not group meetings. Please note also that when food is provided at a Council meeting, there may be no further subsistence claimed.
Where refreshments are not provided, the Subsistence Allowances claimable are as follows:
- Reimbursement for subsistence is payable to Councillors who are prevented by their official duties from taking a meal at their home, an administrative centre, or an establishment where they normally take their meals. Thereby incur additional expenditure on the provision of receipts.
- If a Councillor leaves home before 6.00am to attend a location they can claim a breakfast - up to £5.00, £10.00 (London) - upon production of a receipt only.
- Reimbursement of evening meals are payable if a full work day continues at a different location after 8.30pm. Councillors may claim an evening meal - up to £10.00, £20.00 (London) - upon production of a receipt only.
- Subsistence will not be paid where a suitable meal is provided at no cost to the Councillor.
- The actual cost of accommodation will be met by the Council. Such accommodation should be booked through the Council's official operator. The Councillor is responsible for paying the hotel direct for any other meals or services provided and should then reclaim the relevant subsistence amounts with the production of receipts confirming the expenditure.
Childcare and Dependants' Allowance
Childcare Allowance
The full cost of the childcare will be reimbursed providing that:
- Receipts are produced
- The payment is for a registered child-minder, nursery or nanny
- That the cost is for the time of the specified duty plus up to one hour travelling time
Dependants' Allowance
that the full cost of the care be reimbursed provided that:
- Receipts are produced
- The payment is for a registered carer
- That the cost is for the time of the specified duty plus up to one hour travelling time
Member's own solo motorcycle
The table below shows the current rates per mile in pence:
Motorcycle CC | Up to 1500 miles | 1500 - 5500 miles | 5500 miles-11000 | Over 11000 |
Up to 49 | 12.4p | 10.3p | 9.1p | 7.1p |
Up to 125 | 18.8p | 15.2p | 13.2p | 9.8p |
Up to 250 | 27.0p | 21.0p | 17.8p | 12.1p |
Up to 500 | 35.5p | 27.1p | 22.5p | 14.5p |
Over 500 | 39.2p | 29.9p | 24.8p | 15.9p |