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Council Tax Error

The 1 October council tax instalment has been taken one day earlier, if you have incurred bank charges, please contact your bank and inform them this has been done in error.


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Cabinet Member and Chief Officer Decisions

Cabinet Member (Councillor) and Chief Officer Decisions can be made by an individual Cabinet Member or Chief Officer using certain powers delegated to them, without the need to hold a formal public meeting.  For example, the Cabinet Member for Environment and Community Safety may take a decision to name a street on a new housing development.

Any decisions made are signed off by the decision maker.


Details of decisions made, together with the report, are published on the decisions search page.

Where the decision relates to an executive function the decisions (including a key decision) are not carried out for five working days after they are published. During this time our Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee may exercise its right to 'call in' the decision.  This means the decision maker may be asked by the committee at its next meeting to provide a further detailed explanation for their decision, or reconsider it altogether.

Key decisions

Some executive decisions may also be key decisions. We must give 28 clear days' notice of any key decisions we intend to make in the decision making plan.

Key decisions are defined as follows:

  • Any capital or revenue budget decision (contract or scheme approval) in excess of £100,000.


  • Any decision which is likely to have a significant positive or negative impact on the people living or working in communities in two or more wards. For example in environmental, physical, social or economic terms including stopping a service altogether.


  • Not all matters will be key decisions just because the work would be carried out in two or more wards. For example if it were a council wide programme of work.
  • Guild arrangements are not included.

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