Cemetery and Crematorium opening times

Please find below the opening times for our Cemetery and Crematorium.
Cemetery grounds opening times
Preston cemetery is divided into two parts by Miller Road. These areas are referred to as the old cemetery and the new cemetery.
For full directions see Cemetery and Crematorium directions.
- 1 October - 31 March - 8am - 4pm
- 1 April - 30 September - 8am - 7pm
Cemetery office opening times
The cemetery office is open via appointment only. Contact can be made via telephone on 01772 794585 or email on cemetery@preston.gov.uk.
Staff are available weekdays (excluding Bank Holidays) from 10am to 3pm to offer information and advice on:
- funerals
- cremations
- burial options (including woodland burials)
- memorialisation options
- For burial registers (dating back to 1855) to locate where an individual is buried visit Lancashire County Council - Lancashire Archives.
Crematorium opening times
- 1 October - 31 March - 8am - 4pm
- 1 April - 30 September - 8am - 7pm
Book of remembrance
You can view the book of remembrance through the following ways:
- Online - view the Remembrance Books - Preston Book of Remembrance
- In person - visit the crematorium on weekdays (excluding Bank Holidays) from 8am - 3.45pm
Dogs in our cemetery and crematorium grounds
You are welcome to walk your dogs through the grounds to remember a loved one or simply to enjoy the scenery.
Dog walking rules
The rules below must be followed when walking your dog through our Grounds:
- If your dog fouls you must clean it up immediately.
- Your pet dog must remain on the lead at all times. Nowhere in the grounds can your dog be let off their lead.
- Your dog must remain on the footpaths and highways at all times. Dogs cannot go onto the grassed areas. For more information see cemetery and crematorium dog control order map (PDF, 202 KB).
Map addresses and contact information for the Cemetery and Crematorium
- Preston Cemetery, New Hall Lane, Preston, PR1 4SY.
- Preston Crematorium, Crematorium Avenue, off Longridge Road, Preston, PR2 5BY.
Email: cemetery@preston.gov.uk Telephone: 01772 794585