Garstang Road Public Inquiry
About the Inquiry
The Planning Inspectorate received an appeal against planning application (06/2023/0030) which was submitted in relation to Land west of Garstang Road, Broughton, Preston, PR3 5JA.
The inquiry is scheduled to open at 10am on Tuesday 06 February 2024 with up to 5 sitting days. The Inquiry will open at 10am on the first day and 9.30am on subsequent days.
The inquiry will be held at Preston Town Hall, Lancaster Road, Preston, PR1 2RL
The 5th day would be Tuesday 13 February 2024 where arrangements will be made by the Council for a reserve virtual sitting day to be held over the 'Microsoft Teams App'.
Please contact Laura Holden on for further details on how to access the virtual sitting day.
Download the Inquiry Programme. (PDF) [166KB]
Site address
- Land west of Garstang Road, Broughton, Preston, PR3 5JA
Planning application
- 06/2023/0030 - Outline planning application seeking approval for access only for residential development for up to 51 new dwellings with associated works (all other matters reserved).
Planning Inspectorate contact details
- Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/N2345/W/23/3330709
- Case Officer: Robert Wordsworth
- Email:
Inquiry documents
Below are links to the documents relating to this inquiry and further documents will be added to the below library before, during and after the inquiry.
Core Documents List (PDF) [101KB]
CD1 - Planning Application Documents
1.01 - Covering Letter (PDF) [152KB]
1.02 - Location Plan (PDF) [260KB]
1.03 - Sketch Layout (PDF) [870KB]
1.04 - Parameter Plan (PDF) [573KB]
1.05 - Proposed Access Plan (PDF) [367KB]
1.06 - Proposed Access and Cycle Connections Plan (PDF) [695KB]
1.07 - Planning Statement (PDF) [2MB]
1.08 - Planning Application Forms (PDF) [256KB]
1.09 - Agricultural Land Classification Report (PDF) [511KB]
1.10 - Statement of Community Involvement (PDF) [158KB]
1.11 - Transport Statement (PDF) [2MB]
1.12 - Ecological Survey and Assessment (PDF) [2MB]
1.13 - Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment (PDF) [1MB]
1.14 - Landscape and Visual Appraisal (PDF) [6MB]
1.15 - Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage (PDF) [12MB]
1.16 - Phase 1 Desk Study Assessment Report (PDF) [14MB]
1.17 - Arboricultural Assessment (PDF) [1MB]
1.18 - Heritage Statement (PDF) [3MB]
CD2 - Additional Reports or Plans Submitted After Validation
2.01 Drainage Strategy (PDF) [2MB]
2.02 Parameter Plan (PDF) [1MB]
2.03 Sketch Layout (PDF) [5MB]
2.04 Transport Statement (PDF) [5MB]
2.05 Proposed Site Access and Cycle Connections (PDF) [1MB]
CD3 - Committee Report and Decision Notice
3.01 Officer Committee Report (PDF) [379KB]
3.02 Decision Notice (PDF) [128KB]
CD4 - Development Plan Documents and Studies
4.01 Central Lancashire Core Strategy (PDF) [5MB]
4.02 Core Strategy Inspector Report (PDF) [172KB]
4.03 Preston Local Plan (PDF) [3MB]
4.04 Preston Local Plan Inspector Report (PDF) [341KB]
4.06 - Online Interactive Policies Map Extracts (AD1) (PDF) [1MB]
4.07 Broughton Neighbourhood Plan (PDF) [2MB]
4.08 Map of Guild Wheel Route (PDF) [3MB]
4.09 Housing Need and Demand Assessment 2022 (PDF) [3MB]
4.10 Central Lancashire Housing Study 2022 (PDF) [5MB]
4.11 Central Lancashire SHMA 2017 (PDF) [2MB]
4.12 Central Lancashire Housing Study 2020 (PDF) [631KB]
4.13 Central Lancashire CS Monitoring Report 2020 (PDF) [320KB]
4.14 Central Lancashire Economic Regeneration Strategy 2026 (PDF) [2MB]
4.15 Central Lancashire Housing with Care and Support Strategy 2018-25 (PDF) [316KB]
4.16 Broughton Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's Report (PDF) [209KB]
4.17 - Preston Local Plan Map and Key - July 2015 (PDF) [6MB]
CD5 - Emerging Development Plan Documents
5.01 Central Lancashire SoCG (PDF) [420KB]
5.02 Preferred Options Extract - Settlement Hierarchy (PDF) [23KB]
CD6 - Relevant Appeal Decisions
6.01 - Appeal Decision - Alfold (PDF) [289KB]
6.02 - Appeal Decision - Benger (PDF) [199KB]
6.03 - Appeal Decision - Clifton (PDF) [213KB]
6.04 - Appeal Decision - Sandy Gate Lane (PDF) [369KB]
6.05 - Appeal Decision - Key Fold Farm (PDF) [422KB]
6.06 - Appeal Decision - Grimsby (PDF) [218KB]
6.07 - Appeal Decision - Davenham (PDF) [265KB]
6.08 - Appeal Decision - Cotford St. Luke (PDF) [359KB]
6.09 - Appeal Decision - Assington (PDF) [178KB]
6.10 - Appeal Decision - Stotfold (PDF) [321KB]
6.11 - Appeal Decision - Long Melford (PDF) [1MB]
6.12 - Appeal Decision - Hook Norton (PDF) [377KB]
6.13 - Appeal Decision - Oxford Brookes (PDF) [1MB]
6.14 - Appeal Decision - Dunton (PDF) [157KB]
6.15 - Appeal Decision - Cardwell Farm (PDF) [274KB]
6.16 - Appeal Decision - D'urton Lane (PDF) [1MB]
6.17 - Appeal Decision - Stapeley (PDF) [1MB]
6.18 - Appeal Decision - Guildford (PDF) [340KB]
6.19 - Appeal Decision - Dorking (PDF) [415KB]
6.20 - Appeal Decision - Euxton (PDF) [473KB]
6.21 - Appeal Decision - Forest Grove (PDF) [300KB]
6.22 - Appeal Decision - Jepps Lane (PDF) [299KB]
6.23 - Appeal Decision - Elsenham (PDF) [250KB]
6.24 - Appeal Decision - Langley Lane Broughton (PDF) [231KB]
6.25 - Appeal Decision - Burnham-on-Crouch (PDF) [282KB]
6.26 - Appeal Decision - Bristol (PDF) [364KB]
6.27 - Appeal Decision - Fradley (PDF) [279KB]
6.28 - Appeal Decision - Chinnor (PDF) [230KB]
6.29 - Appeal Decision - Westhoughton (PDF) [498KB]
6.30 - Appeal Decision - Darkinson Lane (PDF) [182KB]
6.31 - Appeal Decision - Pickering's Farm, Chorley (PDF) [1MB]
6.32 - Appeal Decision - Charter Lane, Chorley (PDF) [223KB]
CD7 - Relevant Judgements
7.01 - R v Cornwall (2020) (PDF) [516KB]
7.02 - Tesco v Dundee (2012) (PDF) [70KB]
7.03 - Chichester DC v SoSHCLG (2019) (PDF) [153KB]
7.04 - Bloor Homes East Midlands Ltd v SoSCLG & Anor (PDF) [565KB]
7.05 - Wavendon Properties Ltd v SoSHCLG (2019) (PDF) [606KB]
7.06 - R (on the application of Cherkley Campaign Ltd) v Mole Valley DC (PDF) [221KB]
7.07 - William Corbett v Cornwall Council v Dympna Wilson (PDF) [142KB]
7.09 - R. (on the application of Bond) v Vale of White Horse District Council (PDF) [398KB]
CD8 - Other
8.01 - Committee Report 6.7.22 (1st application) (PDF) [339KB]
8.02 - Committee Report - A Touch of Spice (PDF) [156KB]
8.03 - Minutes for 329 Preston Road, Grimsargh (PDF) [64KB]
8.04 - Park Lane Officer Report (PDF) [148KB]
8.05 - Grimsby Site Plan (PDF) [2MB]
8.06 - Preston Road Grimsargh Officer Report (PDF) [165KB]
8.07 - Bartle Officer Report (PDF) [386KB]
8.08 - Bartle Location Plan (PDF) [1MB]
8.09 - Whittingham Lane Officer Report (PDF) [234KB]
8.10 - Broughton Parish News August 2023 (PDF) [195KB]
8.11 - Village survey summary September 2023 (PDF) [1MB]
8.12 - Superseded - Statement of Common Ground (PDF) [484KB]
8.13 - Lancashire Accommodation with Support Plan (PDF) [280KB]
8.14 - GMEU response (8 January 2024) (PDF) [227KB]
8.15 - Multigenerational living - an opportunity for UK house builders (PDF) [2MB]
8.16 - Housing quality and neighbourhoods (PDF) [2MB]
8.17 - Appellant Statement of Case (PDF) [11MB]
8.18 - LPA Statement of Case (PDF) [280KB]
8.19 - Cumeragh Lane Officer Report (PDF) [388KB]
8.20 - Cumeragh Lane Location Plan (PDF) [221KB]
8.21 - Cumeragh Lane Layout (PDF) [616KB]
8.22 - LPA - Proof of Evidence (PDF) [415KB]
8.23 - Appendix A - Proof of Evidence prepared by Carolyn Williams (PDF) [219KB]
8.24 - Dr Michael Bullock - Proof of Evidence - 3330709 (PDF) [339KB]
8.25 - Appellant Proof of Evidence (PDF) [1MB]
8.26 - Appendices to Appellant's Proof of Evidence (PDF) [6MB]
8.27 - Central Bedfordshire Core Strategy and Development Management Policies (PDF) [1MB]
8.28 - Appellant Rebuttal Statement (PDF) [1MB]
8.29 - LPA - Rebuttal Proof - Laura Holden (PDF) [170KB]
8.30 - LPA - Rebuttal Proof - Carolyn Williams (PDF) [197KB]
8.31 - Dr Michael Bullock - Rebuttal Proof (PDF) [132KB]
8.32 - Updated Statement of Common Ground - Signed (PDF) [450KB]
CD9 - Inquiry Documents
9.01 - Planning Application Neighbourhood Notification Letter (PDF) [138KB]
9.02 - Online Map Extracts x 3 (PDF) [1MB]
9.04 - Appellant Opening (PDF) [98KB]
9.05 - LPA Opening (PDF) [336KB]
9.06 - List of Non-Designated Heritage Assets
9.07 - PPG Housing for Older and Disabled People (PDF) [2MB]
9.08 - PPG Housing Needs of Different Groups (PDF) [2MB]
9.9 - Location of Non-Designated Heritage Assets (PDF) [76KB]
9.10- Route of Guild Wheel (PDF) [179KB]
9.11 - Site comparison (PDF) [186KB]
9.12 - Draft Section 106 (PDF) [2MB]
9.13 - List of Recommended Conditions - version 5 - 08.02.2024 (PDF) [131KB]
9.14 - Garstang Road CIL Compliance Statement LPA (PDF) [187KB]
9.15 - Agreed Heritage Note (PDF) [48KB]
9.15 - Appellant's Heritage Note (PDF) [120KB]
9.15 - LPA's Heritage Note (PDF) [108KB]
9.16 - Itinerary Key (PDF) [29KB]
9.16- Site Itinerary Map (PDF) [1MB]
9.17 - Central Lancashire SHMA Report - August 2009 (PDF) [2MB]
9.18 - Statement by Broughton Parish Council for the Old Bank Hall Field (PDF) [108KB]
9.20 - Location Plan - Garstang Road Broughton (PDF) [202KB]
9.21 - Parameter Plan (PDF) [627KB]
9.22 - LPA Closing Statement (PDF) [376KB]